Online Quran Memorization

Online Quran Memorization for Kids and Adults

Those who are interested in online Quran Memorization, can get enrolled in our designed course named Online Quran memorization. This specific course is available for Kids as well as for adults. There is no gender and age limit for this online Quran memorization course. Male and Female staff are available 24/7 for the Quran Memorization course.

The minimum class duration for the Online Quran memorization course is 1 hour. If you are interested to memorize some part of the Quran or some Surah then you can select this option as well.

Our Guideline for those who interested in the Online Quran memorization course

Before starting this course of online Quran memorization read our guidelines carefully

  1. Quran is the book of Allah Subhana-wa-tala. Allah will give rewards in the second world to the person who memorizes the words (Quran) of Allah Subhana-wa-tala. Allah will also give rewards to the parents of Hafiz on the day of judgment.
  2. If someone memorizes Quran and does not keep it in his memory, and forgets Quran. Then Allah will give him punishment in the second world as well as in this world.
  3. If your intention is to memorize the Quran and keep you in your memory, till your death. Start with Allah’s Name and ask help from Allah Subhana-wa-tala.
  4. Keep consistent and do not skip. Do not take a break for some days or months because Quran memorization is a continuous learning process. When you enroll in the Online Quran memorization course, at the start you take more time to memorize Quran Verses, and day by day your time to memorize Quran verses will reduce. If you take a break during the Quran memorization course or Pause it for some time period then you will lose your stamina and when you rejoin class then it will be difficult for you to maintain the same level of stamina to memorize Quran.

What are the benefits of memorization of Quran?

  • It is observed that the one who memorizes Quran has a good memory. Memorization of the Quran Sharpen your memory
  • The one who Memorizes Quran can easily understand the meaning of the Quran which increases his knowledge about Islamabad.
  • Namaz is the condition in which a person stands nearest to Allah subhana-wa-tala. If you recite Quran in namaz you can lengthen your namaz and get the mercy of Allah subhana-wa-tala.
  • It is observed that the one who recites Quran has less risk of different diseases and they remain healthy.
  • Memorization of Quran increases the discipline in your life. Students of memorization of Quran are required to follow a strict schedule of time management, sitting a long time and reciting with full attention, this type of activity makes discipline in his other parts of life.

How do we teach Online for Hifz Quran?

The method or procedure for online Hifz Quran is different from other courses of Learn Quran with Tajweed or Learn Quran reading. In this particle course of Quran memorization, extra efforts of teachers and students are required, we recommend one-hour training session daily and 5 days a week.

  1. Teach a Lesson and ask students to memorize it
  2. Next day first listen previously given lesson and when our tutor is satisfied that the student 100% memorized the previous lesson then give and teach a new Sabqi or Lesson of Quran.
  3. We instruct our tutor to try that, students memorize a given lesson (Sabqi) during the available one-hour online Quran memorization session.
  4. Conduct an online test at the end of each week of last week’s Lessons (Sabqi).
  5. Conduct a monthly test after every month of past all memorized lessons.